Poetry Pie News

Poetry Pie of Oak Ridge is a separate group from Grace Writers but is connected through its leadership. Many Poetry Pie members also are members of Grace Writers.

Here we will feature news from authors who belong to Poetry Pie but not the writers’ group.

A reprint of “I always carry the words and the sounds of my life” by John Mannone has been accepted to the Fall 2020 issue of The Avocet. The original printing was in the American University in Iraq Sulamaini Literary Review. John also has a poem, “Typewriters,” set to appear in Scribe Magazine in January, as well as a story, Rumpelgeist,” which will appear in Horror Magazine in January, too.

John C. Mannone had a poem, “Water,” accepted by Heart of Flesh Literary Journal for publication in November.

Linda Claborne Clarke’s new book, When Whip Poor Wills Cry, was released on August 13th and is available on Amazon.com.

Featuring the writers of Grace Lutheran Church, Oak Ridge, TN